In the latest South Korean romantic comedy series, “Frankly Speaking,” Thai viewers got a delightful surprise. As the lead character, played by Korean heartthrob Go Kyung-pyo, smoothly recited Bangkok’s full name, it left many feeling impressed. Premiering on Netflix, the show sparked a buzz on social media as viewers praised Go’s near-native pronunciation of the Thai capital’s lengthy name.
Bangkok, also known as Krungthep, holds a unique record in the Guinness Book of Records for its incredibly long name. With an English transliteration containing a whopping 168 letters, it’s a tongue-twister for many. Yet, Go effortlessly tackled it during a scene on a Thai TV show, leaving audiences in awe.
“Frankly Speaking,” available on Netflix and South Korean TV network JTBC, follows the story of Song Ki-baek (played by Go Kyung-pyo), a TV announcer who grapples with speaking his mind live on air. Alongside him is On Woo-jun (portrayed by Kang Han-na), a TV writer who invites him to her variety show. Adding to the mix is Joo Jong-hyuk as Kim Jung-heon, Woo-jun’s ex-boyfriend and Ki-baek’s high-school classmate.
As the series unfolds, viewers are drawn into a tale of humor, romance, and the unpredictability of live television. With its engaging storyline and talented cast, “Frankly Speaking” promises to be a delightful watch for fans of K-dramas and rom-coms alike.